Be more like the Surface Pro?
Let's look at the numbers:
iPad - revenue $5.533bn
Mac - revenue $7.244bn
Surface - revenue $1.32 bn
While some may argue that iPads are declining and Surface devices are climbing, they would be wrong. The iPad and the Surface are both declining when compared to last year. So we are saying that the iPad, with more than 4 times the revenue, should following the Surface? This makes about as much sense as New Coke.
Touch Screen Mac is the answer?
Isn't the iPad dying?
Status Quo?
Siri is one answer
Apple Watch
The Wrap Up
Personally, I was happy to get Pencil input, but Apple needs to build on the capabilities of the Pencil by working with Adobe to make Photoshop and Illustrator mobile versions available. Affinity (a terrific Mac photo app) showed off an iPad version of their photography application over a year ago and it still hasn't been introduced to the iPad. Apple should contact them and see what is holding it up. In other words, they need to reach out to companies that make popular programs that would be ideal for the iPad and see what it will take to make it happen. I want to be able to seamlessly move from iPad to Mac and back without feeling like I am sacrificing too much.
Of course, it would have been even better if Apple still had pro apps like Aperture that would be ideal for the iPad, but short of that happening they need to reach out to companies and get things rolling. However, I think the iPad is far from being dead. In fact, I prefer using it over my other devices most of the time, but they need to continue to add more capabilities, without losing the simplicity of the operating system, to get me to upgrade...which is where a lot of people are right now.