Below are some related articles that addressed this issue years ago. The second post below actually has a link to the same 2016 article as the MacRumors forum used again, here in 2024: ( )
Apple is doomed! If....
Another Siri bashing article and another response
Siri Rants - Much ado about nothing
Apple Privacy vs others
Who was correct in 2016?
The Upcoming AI War
Wrap Up
As I said, Siri still has most of the main shortfalls it had seven years ago. Is that disappointing..yep! Has it had any impact on iPhone sells? I don't see it. Should Apple do better.. Yes! Do we really know where Apple is going with AI...Not really.
I guess we are still in "stay tuned" mode, but if they actually released a product with AI that was as inaccurate as Google's, the critics would be skipping the latest Siri rehash for more exciting articles claiming "Apple is doomed"!