So what is the Whaale app?
Who is it for?
If you have Airfoil installed on your computer, your computer can usually become an Airplay receiving device, as well. However, I tested Whaale with Airfoil Speakers that I have on a Mac and while the app and the Mac seem to connect, nothing played through the speakers. Therefore, I don't recommend this app for using with Airfoil. (NOTE: You can still use the Airplay features built into the Control Center on iOS to send the audio from Whaale to the Mac running Airfoil, but you lose the multi-room capabilities of Whaale in the process).
It can play one song across all receivers or you can choose different sources to send to each speaker (I have tested it with two simultaneous streams to two separate speakers and it played without an issue).
So what are the limits mentioned above?
Other Limits?
What was meant by "nickel and diming"?
Personally, I would have liked the option of one price to update everything and a discount for buying everything would have also been nice. I have not used the Whaale Family feature, but I may end up adding it since I have been known to switch from iPhone to iPad and I believe this may be a more seamless experience. Even if you add everything, the price isn't that bad if you want to use iOS and for whatever reason, can't put a computer in the mix.