Yes, the Mac has some real advantages when it comes to "Pro" software. Personally, I would pay top dollar for a dual boot machine that works with MacOS and iPadOS. However, while I see many videos discussing the shortfall of iPadOS compared to MacOS with each new iPad announcement, we don't usually see the opposite.... "Yes, this new Mac is nice, but it doesn't have a touch display, doesn't have all the great iPad apps, doesn't work with Pencil input, etc."
While these two systems stay separated, there are reasons people would prefer one of the other, depending on how they use them. I wish more tech reviewers would focus on why some people would prefer the iPad rather than the usual rant about how it's not a Mac. Apple makes several Macs you can buy if you don't have a need for all the advantages the iPad offers...just stop being so focused on how you use it and look at the broader market overall. Many people prefer the iPad.