Unfortunately, 30GBs ran out way too fast! Anytime I tried to run anything on Win8, it choked up and then I started getting errors at start up saying I was almost out of space. I ended up deleting almost all of my programs, but it still had very little space.
I decided to research allocating more memory, but most of what I read said that I needed a backup, a startup disc, and a lot of time. As a result, I put off the project and just stuck with using only OSX.
A week or so ago, I looked into it again. I found a few programs, one of them was $9.95 for one week of use. However, I waited and just got around to doing the project today. I found a program called CamptuneX that was recommended quite often. I could only find it a $19.95 price, but I thought it was worth it if it was relatively painless.
Well, I did have some issues. I ran into an error on my first try. It said "Mac OSX filesystem failed, please repair Mac OSX and try again". I looked into it and found out that I should run "Disk Utility". I "repaired" my OSX drive and my partitioned drive. I ran CamptuneX again and it ran without a problem. I should mention that it took over an hour (somewhere between one and three hours). I then restarted my computer and ran VMWare Fusion5.
This is when I ran into a message that said "move bootcamp virtual machine to trash". I opened the VMWare application and the bootcamp partition was on the left side of the box and a trashcan was above it on the right. I right clicked on it and chose "delete". It got rid of Bootcamp. I then clicked on a box to reinstall bootcamp. After that, I restarted Windows and it updated VMWare tools and restarted.
After all that, I am up and running. The partition is now 70GBs and should hold me over for a while. I mainly use Win8 for WMC and JRiver Media Center, so I am not too worried about space concerns at this point. I still think the program was worth the money since I did not need to burn discs or backup (although I would suggest that you backup, since I do not want to be blamed if you wreck your computer). Actually, now that I think about it, under any circumstances, I am not taking credit if you wreck your computer. You should follow up with CamptuneX if you have a problem.