Yep, that's right folks, the blogs, forums, and news agencies are going crazy because Consumer Reports claimed that the iPad " felt very warm but not especially uncomfortable if held for a brief period." Keep in mind that it took 45 minutes of playing Infinity Blade II (probably the most taxing app available) to get it to this point. Can you imagine if it actually got hot enough to be uncomfortable in the hand? We would probably be surrounding Apple's stores with pitchforks and torches!!!!
It is kind of funny, I did not notice anything getting warm at all (with the possible exception of the warm feeling in my heart that I felt when I picked it up at FedEx). However, after reading the article, I got the iPad out of the case after using it for a while and to my horror, IT WAS WARM!!!!!
I haven't decided if I should return it yet, maybe I will wait to see if Consumer Report's recommends it.