I was talking with a coworker and they said that they use a Cuisinart and it was extremely easy and only took about 30 minutes from start to finish.
I decided to look into it and most comparisons of the KitchenAide attachment and the Cuisinart had the Cuisinart coming out on top. The other benefit was that the Cuisinart was $39.99 (it was on sale) and the KitchenAide attachment was $79. The main downside is that the Cuisinart only makes 1-1.5 quarts while the KitchenAide will make 2 quarts. Anyway, with the price differential and the fact that I will usually only be making ice cream for two, I decided to get the Cuisinart.
Since I don't always want to pack on the carbs in the summer, I decided to look into some low carb ice cream recipes. Luck would have it that Amazon had a Kindle book called "Low Carb Ice Cream, Drinks and Desserts [Kindle Edition]" by Diana Lee. It was $4, but it packs a lot of recipes into that price.
I have tried Peanut Butter & Banana, Peanut Butter Dough, and Chocolate and they all taste like regular ice cream. My favorite is chocolate.
The prep for making the ice cream takes about five minutes, then you put the blender in the fridge for about 30 minutes. You then pour it into the pre-frozen bowl and let the ice cream maker chug along for about 20 minutes. Very easy.
The end result is creamy and great. We will probably try some regular ice cream, but at least this will allow me to indulge every now and then without the guilt.